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Give by Phone


Call (336) 929-1255 to make a donation.
We are able to process credit/debit card donations by phone.

When you call, please have your IFM Donor ID number ready, your credit card information, and the name of the missionary or project you wish to support.

To Donate From Your Bank Account: 
In order to set up a recurring gift from your checking or savings account, click here or ask us to mail a paper enrollment form to your address.  After completing the form, return it in the provided envelope. Please feel free to call us with any questions.

Processing Fees:

Credit/debit donations incur a 3% processing fee, which is assessed by
the credit card companies.
Gifts made by checking or savings accounts do not incur this fee.​

​​​Your Gift Is Tax Deductible:

IFM is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to IFM missionaries or projects are tax-deductible as qualified by Federal and, in some cases, State income-tax deductions, as allowed by law, unless marked "Not Tax-Deductible".


Tax-deductible contributions are made with the understanding that IFM as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization has full discretion and control over the use of the donation. IFM makes every effort to apply donations to a preference.

Personal Gifts to missionaries, such as for Christmas and birthdays, are accepted within a reasonable limit. Personal gifts are considered “Not Tax-Deductible” and may not be used as an itemized deduction for tax purposes.


IFM will provide you a tax-deductible receipt by mail for all donations. At this time, we are unable to email receipts for donations. The receipt will meet all IRS requirements for substantiating your deduction for support and ministry gifts.

Independent Faith Mission |  PO Box 7791 | Greensboro, NC 27417 | (336) 292-1255 |

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